Do the groundwork of understanding the market.
Get personal: Enable strategic decisions
You know you need to align everything your organisation does with its goals and brand. We'll help you understand the fundamentals of your market and the essential goals to set so you can understand your market at both rational and emotional levels. We use techniques like segmentation, portfolio planning, attitude and usage surveys public consultations, social media analytics and co-creation.
What we do
- Depth interviews with consumers and business customers
- Quantitative: Online, face-to-face, telephone, postal
- Mystery shopping: telephone, face-to-face, online, covert audio, covert video
- Telephone interviews
- Focus groups: face-to-face, online
- Co-creation
- Public consultation
- Brand insight and consultation
- Ethnography
Contact Phoenix MRC
+44 (0) 1242 256816
Whithorne House / London Road / Cheltenham / Gloucestershire / GL52 6UY