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How We Work

Find out how our approach to research gives you the understanding to make better decisions.

Get the best results from the right approach

Effective insight starts with the right approach. Our knowledge and expertise means we can recommend the best approach (or approaches) for your needs. The approach that fixes your marketing problems, and the approach to give you actionable business solutions.

We're experienced with the wide variety of research and consultancy techniques, both online and offline so we can choose the best approach to find the solutions you need. Whether qualitative, quantitative or a mix of both, we ensure the best approach is taken to suit the your needs. 

Research Techniques

All Phoenix MRC research execs are highly competent across a wide range of both qualitative and quantitative techniques using both traditional and emerging technologies. This expertise not only gives them the freedom to mix and match methodologies to tailor each project to your needs but ensures continuity and maximises the breadth and depth of insight you receive.

Marketing Consultancy

We can help you transform and grow your business through developing and honing the internal culture. Click to read about MRI

In-house expertise

We conduct interviews and mystery shopping face-to-face, by telephone and online using our own interviewer fieldforce and executives.

Specialist market research software allows Phoenix MRC to monitor quality closely while delivering complex analysis and online solutions.

Our executive team is experienced with co-creation and workshop techniques, enabling you to empower and engage staff and managers to work together more effectively, to tap the potential within your organisation for growth and change.

Advanced Statistics

Our advanced statistical techniques include conjoint to understand values and interactions of multiple dimensions of a product, service and price offerings, segmentation to elicit customer profiles and behaviour groups and Van Westendorp to understand pricing corridor and optimal pricing.

Quality throughout

Working directly with our own fieldworkers ensures high quality throughout as we work to ISO20252:2019 as a minimum quality standard. As an MRS Company Partner, and with all execs MRS members we also follow the Market Research Society Code of Conduct for excellent market research practice.

Contact Phoenix MRC


+44 (0) 1242 256816



Whithorne House / London Road / Cheltenham / Gloucestershire / GL52 6UY

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Nexus: A better way of working

A total mind-set for insight evolved to combine the most positive aspects of quantitative approaches to research with the most positive aspects of qualitative research.

Whether qualitative or quantitative, our methods enable us to draw out the framework within each data mass. Our reporting gives you results as a whole picture, not just pieces of the puzzle.

We start with disciplined, rigorous attention to design, working with you to clearly define objectives and expectations. Then we apply meticulous attention to detail throughout execution of every stage of a project.

We combine this with tailored, data-grounded analysis - for qualitative as well as quantitative projects.

Finally, armed with this deeper, fuller basket of results, we are equipped to apply all our creativity and experience to our interpretation of results, recommendations and reporting.

Nexus give us the tools to dig deeper and arrive at research solutions that are fuller than the norm, but still grounded in customers' realities. We work with you as partners to provide marketing solutions that can be implemented in the real world.


Supported research service: like DIY but with experts on hand when you need us

Click here  to find out more