Blog > CustomerExperience
Turning Data Risks into Customer Rewards: Strategic Insights for Customer Centric Brands
Posted 10th September 2024 | Category: CustomerExperience
It's time for brands to get serious about their data protection obligations if they want to offer customers a personalised experience.
The 8 disciplines of a customer-obsessed culture
Posted 15th August 2018 | Category: CustomerExperience
How can organisations embrace change, develop and improve leadership and decision-making behaviours that will embed customer-centricity and compelling customer experience into their DNA?
Consumers aren't irrational - We need to reframe our questions
Posted 12th December 2016 | Category: CustomerExperience
Recently I had the privilege of attending a conference by Citizen's Advice on Behavioural Economics and Utilities Switching Behaviour. The various speakers from industry, academia and regulatory bodies were each expert in their area, well-spoken and undoubtedly well-meaning throughout. However, I was struck by the extent of Groupthink that prevailed in the room.
HCM - Optimising employee engagement Part 1
Posted 19th April 2016 | Category: CustomerExperience
Organisational culture is increasingly a recognised as competitive differentiator for leading companies. Yet in the current business climate, leaders are often forced to find ways to balance investment in talent, motivation and employee engagement against the pressure to ruthlessly prioritise initiatives and reduce costs.
Affordances and Rituals can shape the working environment in ways that make us love our job, creating a productive workplace and making our work more meaningful.
HCM - Optimising employee engagement Part 2
Posted 19th April 2016 | Category: CustomerExperience
We previously introduced the ideas of affordances to design a working environment that makes it easy for employees to be productive and be engaged. We will now look at brand rituals and how they make the brand meaningful by shaping the organisational culture that people buy into and believe in as employees and customers because it makes a difference to them as human beings.